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Monday, December 16, 2013

The Day in the Life of Bianca

Interesting blog I have formed…  I have all of these different aliases, “Sarah,” “Emma,” and I guess I am forming a blog of stories of different people?  These past posts are cool, but when did I write them? Maybe this was from a project from college, and my other friends have been keeping up with it? It’s actually cool. I will add to it and write about my day, “The Day in the Life of Bianca.”

Things have not been going well. Last night, I lay on my bed, wide awake. I twisted and turned, moved my pillow around, and fixed my blankets a thousand times or more, but I just couldn’t get in a comfortable position. I even played soft music and brain tuner apps. Nothing. That day had even been a particularly tiring day, even though I can’t really recall much of it right now – it must be the lack of sleep that is going to my head. Mentally, I am tired, but my body feels as though I could run a marathon. I don’t feel like doing anything today, much less have enough mental energy to do so. All I want to do today is stay at home and sit at my computer, doing nothing, nothing, nothing. I was looking through the internet when I saw this blog on my browser and decided to post something. Maybe I had clicked on the link, and it was already logged in. Idk, whatever. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters.

Nothing seems to fancy my taste buds either. I don’t want to eat anything, and I am never hungry anymore, either. This whole week, my day meals have consisted of a cup of coffee, half a bagel, and a stick of gum. My skin is dry, my hair seems brittle, but that’s probably just because of the winter coldness.  My friend Karoline called me, and I didn’t pick up. She wants me to go to Hawaii with her. “Bianca, u wanna join me on my Hawaiii trippp? Please? U cant leave me with my bro!” she texted me. I don’t want to. I’m not in the mood. I’m off to buy more medication for insomnia and migraines. The migraines seem to be really bad lately. I hope to add more to this blog later when I feel better.

Signing out, B. XOXO.

Note: This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its contents, please email the teacher, Laura Astorian: laura.astorian@cobbk12.org.

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