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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Phone Calls

So I got this call from this girl called Vanessa asking me when we wanted to go out to a movie and dinner date. The conversation went something like this:
Me: “Hello?”
Vanessa: “Hey, baby. When do you want to go on that dinner date and that movie?”
Me: “Who is this?”
Vanessa: “Don’t be silly. It’s Vanessa.”
Me: “Who are you looking for?”
Vanessa: “Stop joking with me, Nile.”
Me: “Uh, I think you have the wrong number. This is Sarah.”
Vanessa: “NILEEE. You gave me your number through that online dating service and triple checked it. STOP playing with meeee.”
Me: “You have the wrong number. I’m sorry. Bye.”

Then I hung up. Needless to say, it was a very awkward conversation. She apparently thought I was some guy named Neil who she met through an online dating service. First, my name is not Nile. Second, I am a girl. Third, I don’t online date. Fourth, I am almost one hundred percent positive that I am only interested in men. I could see from caller ID that she called me several other times throughout the day, so I didn’t pick up. She also texted me and left several voice messages on my cell phone, and I have absolutely no idea how she got my number. This is getting stranger and stranger. I was curious and then listened to all of the voice mail messages she sent me, I learned that she was looking for a Nile Swift, who is 16 and plays lacrosse. I could tell that she was dumb and desperate.

My mom even called me today and said that she was worried about me. I haven’t talked to her in a while, and she kept on calling me Emma. It made me SO confused. Maybe she saw the name of this blog and the twitter posts? I don’t know. What’s even weirder is that she asked if I had gender issues and told me that I could tell her anything. I could tell what she was inferring, and it was an uncanny coincidence with the “Vanessa” phone call earlier that day. When she mentioned the name “Vanessa” and “online dating,” I froze. I started crying, hard, crying tears of frustration, tears for the lost sleep and loneliness, tears of confusion. My mom told me I should go see a therapist. There is nothing wrong with me, but I did. It’s with Ms. Madison Halls. The session is scheduled for next week.

These unknown worlds of mine are colliding. What is happening?

Note: This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its contents, please email the teacher, Laura Astorian: laura.astorian@cobbk12.org.

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