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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Caramel Macchiato

Sarah, again. Just an update on what’s been happening in my life. Today, I received a package in the mail, and it was a beautiful, one shouldered and blue sapphire party dress with sequins. Originally, I had thought it was a late birthday gift from my mother, but when I looked at the bill in the package, it said that I had ordered it! I never ordered a $285 party dress! I’m going to call the store today and get a refund. They must have sent it to the wrong person with the same last name as me. It’s delivered to an “Emma Swift.” But what’s REALLY weird is that she used my credit card to buy it! I also must make a call to my credit card company to deactivate my credit card. She must have somehow managed to get my credit card number and home address. This is really starting to freak me out.

Something else, happened, too. I went for my typical Dunkin’ Donuts run this morning and got my regular caramel macchiato, when a group of girls approached me. They called me “Natalie” and asked me how I was, asked me if I had gotten a job since college, told me about their lives, and remarked about how different I looked, in terms of style and my glasses. I didn’t know any of the girls, so I pretended to know them and played along with the conversation.  As far as I know, my style has been the same and I have had glasses my entire life. They bid me farewell, and I sat at the Dunkin’ Donuts table in silence for a long time.

Afterwards, I went to the mall, wandering around on my own, and walked into Abercrombie. I hate that store. I NEVER buy clothes from there, EVER. The style repulses me, but somehow, I ended up buying $200 worth of clothes in skinny jeans, crop shirts, tank tops, and short dresses. What is happening? I usually shop at Kohls and Marshalls. First I receive a package of a party dress for someone named “Emma,” then a group of girls approaches me and call me “Natalie,” and then I buy two hundred dollars-worth of clothes from a store that I hate. I am confused. I left Abercrombie at 12:30 to go home, and I just arrived home, and it’s 4:30. It couldn’t have been a four hour drive back? The mall is only 15 minutes away. Life is confusing right now, and I don’t know what to do about it.

Note: This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its contents, please email the teacher, Laura Astorian: laura.astorian@cobbk12.org.

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